F-Series Categories for HPT Turbochargers - HP Race Brands

F-Series Categories for HPT Turbochargers

HPT Turbochargers is proud to offer many different sizes for a variety of engine applications. We developed a categorized system to help you determine where to start when you're comparing sizes, and what is best for your application.

In this article we will review:

  • What the "F" in F-Series stands for
  • How the F-Series turbos are categorized
  • When we will be releasing F1, F4, and F5 turbos

To start - What does the "F" mean?

Well the picture above should be a clue. The F-Scale is used to determine the intensity of tornados. The "F" stands for Fujita, in relation to the Fujita Tornado Damage Scale. Which was developed in 1971 by T. Theodore Fujita of the University of Chicago. 

The F-Scale breaks down the storm power based on wind speeds and potential damage. Click here to learn more details of the international F-Scale

Of course we were inspired by this classification and used it to categorize our arrangement of turbocharger offerings. Our turbos are capable of producing amazing horsepower numbers, high MPH and wreck the competition!

How we grouped the F-Series Turbochargers:

We love all forms of high performance motorsports, so we wanted to provide turbochargers that fit many different applications. The different F-Series helps us group the turbochargers into different categories. Here's the breakdown:

  • F1 - Ideal for your smaller engine but big power setups. Think side-by-sides, daily drivers, and motorcycles

  • F2 - Perfect option for those looking to make 750 - 1000 horsepower

  • F3 - A continuation of small frame turbochargers for people looking to make over 1000 horsepower

  • F4 - When a small frame turbocharger isn't enough, the F4 series will take your horsepower to the next level

  • F5 - When working with max effort combinations, the F5 will get you to the winner's circle


When will F1 and F4 be available?

Full transparency is how we roll, and here's the truth. We are still in the R&D stage for a lot of different turbocharger sizes. We are taking the time to develop our product and resource components from reliable contacts.

We take immense pride in the quality of our products and we aren't in the business of slapping parts together to release a new turbo. We are devoting our time and energy into releasing the BEST products we can, and if that takes a little while longer than we all would like then that's just how it is.

But believe us, it'll be worth the wait!

That being said, we are very close to the F1, F4, and F5 finished products. Keep an additional eye out for summer 2024! We can't wait to blow your minds with what more we come up with!

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